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The New Teen Titans

Publisher: DC Comics
Writer: Marv Wolfman
Letterer: Ben Oda
Colorist: Adrienne Roy
Editor: Len Wein

Character List:



The other Titans join Robin, Victor and Kid Flash on Africa. Steve Dayton is still is distress, so in order to help him, they put on the Mento costume that he's been asking for. It turns out to be a mistake because he wipes out everyone except Kid Flash. They are to recover and try to figure out what's making Dayton react like that as they fight. Raven uses her powers to release him from the mind control.

Characters Present:

Madame Rouge's Headquarters

Losing control of Dayton puts a hold on their plans, but Zahl promises that nothing will stop them. Madame Rouge is questioning herself and Zahl.

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Duchamp's letting Madame Rouge know that the coup is scheduled and will be successful. Some kills him.

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Dayton is back to normal, yet, he doesn't remember anything from the year he might missing. Flashback of the creation of the Doom Patrol. Beast Boy gets emotional and leaves to pursue Madame Rouge and General Zahl by himself. The Titans follow him.

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Blue Skies

Beast Boy is flying, feeling bad for yelling at the Titans. A earthquake occurs.

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Uganda - At the Same Time

The other Titans feel the earthquake as well on the ground. However, Wonder Girl points out the the 'earthquake' wasn't natural and Koriand'r and her fly off to invesitgate. Kid Flash and Raven decide to go to check on the epicenter.

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Kid Flash and Raven discover that Madame Rouge's underground fortress is gone. The fortress became a floating city.

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Floating City

Beast Boy realizes that the floating city is the result of Madame Rouge's doing and decides to grab ahold and see where it goes.

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The Titans including Robotman follow the floating city inside the T-Jet. Because Cyborg is able to figure out the city's trajectory, they are able to figure out that Madame Rouge's destination is Zandia.

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The floating city attacks Zandia and kills the president and citizens. Once the damage is done, it continues its journey. The Titans intersect it and start to fight back the forces attacking Zandia; Raven, Wonder Girl and Koriand'r start the initial attack as Robin continues to fly the jet. They attack for as long as they can, but the forces are too large and they get defeated. Meanwhile, Robin, Cyborg and Robotman look for a way into the floating city when they spot Beast Boy. It turns out to be Madame Rouge disguised as Beast Boy; catching them off guard, she shoots the jet down. General Zahl has captured the other Titans while Madame captures the ones in the jet.

Characters Present:

The New Brotherhood of Evil

Beast Boy has been captured by the Brotherhood of Evil.

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