Wonder Girl is looking for a place to chanel her rage and finds criminals in the middle of a job to beat up. However, she realizes it goes against what she believes in and calls the police.
Wonder Girl visits Terry Long to help ease her worries before going back to Paradise Island to check on Beast Boy.
Starfire fights in the Amazon Tournament. Using her training by the Okaaran Warloads, she wins the tournament. As they are leaving Paula's Laboratory Island, where Beast Boy is healing, explodes.
Robin, Kid Flash and Cyborg are looking for Robotman. They find Robotman bounded and mangled but still alive. With the help of Cyborg, Robotman awakes, but he has no recollection of what happened.
Raven, Koriand'r and Hippolyta go to Paula's Laboratory Island to investigate. Hestia reveals the blast was caused by the power of the Purple Healing Ray. The Ray has driven Beast Boy mad. He attacks the Amazons and Koriand'r and they don't know how to defeat him. Raven is an empath and she's able to change Beast Boy back to human form.
Beast Boy awakens but cannot step foot off the table due to the fact that if any man steps foot on Paradise Island, the Amazons lose their powers. Wonder Girl arrives on Paradise Island.
They find a cave that's rumored to be where Madame Rouge has been hiding. Kid Flash decides to go ahead with his speed to make sure it's safe for the Titans. He finds a headquarters. The others join him; their mission is to find Steve Dayton.
They are able to track down Steve Dayton thanks to Kid Flash knowing his location and Robin picking the lock to the cell. They are stopped by Guards as they are freeing Dayton, but they finish them off with ease. On their way out, Kid Flash grabs the Mento suit.
There was no guars blocking their way, so they made it to the Jet with little effort. Robotman has a feeling that Madame Rouge planned it from the start and it's proven in the next panel with Madame Rouge and General Zahl watching them on a monitor. Madame Rouge has an inside man with the Titans. Steve Dayton is actually on their side and not the Titans' side; the heroes are unaware.