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The New Teen Titans

Publisher: DC Comics
Writer: Marv Wolfman
Penciller: George Perez
Finisher: Frank Chiaramonte
Letterer: Ben Oda
Colorist: Adrienne Roy
Editor: Len Wein

Character List:


Justice League Satellite Headquarters

The Justice League is fighting an enemy when Raven shows up to tell them to stop fighting. They refuse to stop, so Raven decides they are no help and leaves.

Characters Present:

Temple Azarath

Raven pleads for help from Arella and Azarath, but they refuse. Arella sends Raven back to the Satellite base.

Characters Present:

Justice League Satellite Headquarters

Raven runs into the Teen Titans. They have no memories of the Fearsome Five or the fight. They have no injuries either.

Characters Present:


The Fearsome Five are watching over the Titans via Psimon and Gizmo. The Fearsome Five are having disagreements on who's the leader. Doctor Light, Shimmer, Mammoth and Gizmo plan to take Psimon after they destroy the Justice League.

Characters Present:

Titans' Tower

Ravens reveals the origins of Trigon and why she wanted to stop the Justice League. The Titans decide to destroy the Justice League and Raven realizes what the Fearsome Five were planning.

Characters Present:

Justice League Satellite Headquarters

The Titans start attacking the Justice League while the Justice League tries to avoid hurting them knowing that someone's controlling them. TO stop the fighting, Raven transports the Justice League away.

Characters Present:


Sorcerors bring the Titans to a ceremony to stop Trigon. The Justice League appears. They continue to fight the Sorcerors. They defeated the Sorcerors and Trigon was freed. As the Teen Titans tried to explain to the Justice League what they did, it was revealed that Raven manipulated the Titans particularly Kid Flash. With this new information and before Raven can explain, The New Teen Titans dispand.

Characters Present:
